About GRI

    Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) / Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) (formerly known as the Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) / Bord na gCon) - is a commercial semi-state body  responsible for the control and development of the greyhound industry in the Republic of Ireland.

    The governing body for Irish Greyhound Racing (Bord na gCon) was established under special legislation by the Irish government in 1958. The Greyhound Industry Act (1958) gave the organisation wide powers to regulate all aspects of greyhound racing in the Republic of Ireland including the licensing of the different tracks, the issuing of permits to officials, bookmakers, trainers and the implementation of the rules of racing.

    On the 1st October 2020 the Irish Greyhound Board/Bord na gCon, rebranded to Greyhound Racing Ireland / Rásaíocht Con Éireann.

    Greyhound Racing Ireland (formerly known as Irish Greyhound Board) has licensed a total of 15 tracks in the Republic, of which nine are owned and controlled by the organisation. The remainder are owned and operated by private enterprise.

    There are also a further two privately owned stadia in Northern Ireland.

    Greyhound Racing Ireland operates Tote betting facilities at all greyhound tracks in the Republic and applies an on-course levy on all bookmaker’s betting in the Republic. These levies together with gate receipts have funded the industry and allows Greyhound Racing Ireland to: 

    • - Supplement prize money at all levels of greyhound racing.

    • - Provide development loans and grants to greyhound tracks in order to enable them to improve their facilities.

    • - To advertise and market the industry on both a national and international level.

    • - Develop and improve greyhound stadia nationwide.