Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

    Greyhound Racing Ireland (Rásaíocht Con Éireann) has prepared and published this Publication Scheme in order to meet its obligations under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014. The scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act. In preparing, reviewing, and revising its Publication Scheme, this FOI body shall have regard to the public interest in:

    • Allowing public access to information held by this FOI body.
    • The publication of reasons for decisions made by this FOI body.
    • Publishing information of relevance or of interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally.

    This Publication Scheme is web based with links to information under a number of headings as set out below. Information under these headings will be updated as required and as provided under the Act.




    Greyhound Racing Ireland (Rásaíocht Con Éireann), formally known as The Irish Greyhound Board (Bord na gCon) is a commercial semi-state body which is responsible for the management and development of the greyhound industry in the Republic of Ireland.

    The Board was established under special legislation by the Government in 1958. The Greyhound Industry Act (1958) (as amended) gives the Board wide powers to regulate all aspects of greyhound racing in the Republic of Ireland including the licensing of the different tracks, the issuing of permits to officials, bookmakers, trainers and the implementation of the rules of racing.

    The Irish Greyhound Board has responsibility for the overall administration, regulation, governance, development, and promotion of the Irish greyhound industry.


    Roles, Responsibilities and Functions


    Our Mission

    To deliver a commercial, well-regulated Greyhound Racing and Breeding industry whilst enabling the delivery of a customer centred, highly exciting and value led entertainment experience.

    The purpose is to promote excellence in every single aspect of the greyhound racing industry with the highest standards of welfare so that this unique sport can be enjoyed by current and future generations.

    Our Vision

    We will work towards world-class performance and an attractive, vibrant, and valuable industry, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

    A positive image for the Irish Greyhound Industry can, and must be, restored.

    The industry has a strong rural base but provides a significant boost to urban areas where stadia are located.

    The business model must be such that it offers suitable rewards for all those who work in it. Attendees at our stadia will be treated to world-class, immersive experiences of the kind that only greyhound racing can provide.


    Governance/ Management arrangements


    Greyhound racing in Ireland is governed by Primary and Secondary legislation.

    Primary Legislation


    Secondary Legislation



    Training of Greyhounds


    Sale of Greyhounds


    Regulatory Compliance






    Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies

    The governance of GRI is within the parameters of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, which is published by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. This Code aims to ensure that State Bodies meet the highest standards of corporate governance.

    A new annex on Gender Balance, Diversity and Inclusion to supplement the existing Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies was published in September 2020.


    Senior Management Structure

    Click here to access the senior management structure


    Board of Directors

    Click here to access the Board of Director’s Bio’s.


    Appointments to the Boards of State Bodies under the aegis of the Department

    The arrangements for the appointment of members to the Boards of State Bodies are set out in the Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards published in 2014. In accordance with the Guidelines, all vacancies (subject to specified exceptions) are advertised openly on the State Boards portal, operated by the Public Appointments Service (PAS).

    Applications are then processed by way of a transparent assessment system designed and implemented by PAS to support the Minister in making appointments to State Boards under his/her remit. Applicants are shortlisted through this process for Ministerial appointment. Appointments meet specific and detailed criteria determined in consultation with key stakeholders (such as the current Chair of the State Board concerned and the Public Appointments Service) as necessary for the effective performance of the relevant role(s).

    Currently, there is a particular focus on enhancing gender balance on the boards of State Bodies, to support greater diversity and effectiveness.


    Corporate Plans and Strategies


    Corporate plans and strategies include:



    Details of Service Level Agreements/Memoranda of Understanding

    For information on Service Level Agreements please contact


    Customer Charter and Customer Action Plan


    Greyhound Racing Ireland is committed to providing all our customers with the highest standard of service in accordance with the twelve Principles of Quality Customer Service for Customers and Clients of the Public Service.

    A Customer Charter and Customer Action Plan is in place to achieve this commitment. This Customer Charter is a clear statement describing the level of service our customers can expect from the Greyhound Racing Ireland. Our Customer Action Plan which follows this Customer Charter describes in detail how the commitments and standards set out in our Customer Charter, and other customer service improvements, will be delivered and evaluated.




    Customer Complaints/ Customer Support

    Address: Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland, Green Park, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 Y17X.




    Codes of Practice or Guidelines





    Contact Details


    Contact Greyhound Racing Ireland


    Freedom of Information

    Individuals seeking access to records under the Freedom of Information Act should contact:


    Freedom of Information Unit

    Address: Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland, Green Park, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 Y17X.


    Phone number: +353 (0)61 448 029


    Further information on making requests under the FOI Act can be found here.


    RCÉTS (Rásaíocht Con Éireann/ Greyhound Racing Ireland Traceability System)


    RCÉTS (Rásaíocht Con Éireann/ Greyhound Racing Ireland Traceability System) is the newly developed traceability system for racing greyhounds. It tracks a racing greyhound through all life stages including birth, microchipping, registration, racing career, changes of ownership/trainer, location, export, retirement, and end of life.

    All owners/trainers/breeders are required to maintain an accurate record on the traceability system via an online app of their greyhounds.


    Contact Us

    For further information or if you need assistance with your RCÉTS account, please contact our Traceability Helpdesk.

    Call the traceability helpdesk: 061 448120


    The Greyhound Care Centre

    The Greyhound Care Centre has been set up to promote and help ex-racing greyhounds find their forever homes as pets for families across Ireland.

    At this centre, Greyhounds are helped make the transition from racing on the track, to being welcomed in a new family on their retirement.

    Located near Timaru kennels, Croom Co. limerick, this facility also offers a place where families hoping to adopt a greyhound can visit the centre, sit on the couch in the unique visitor room and meet the greyhound that they have been matched with to see what a fantastic addition a greyhound will make to their family.

    We can arrange for an appointment to visit the Care Centre following the completion of an Adoption Form and a home check has been completed and approved.

    For further information on Greyhound Adoption or the Care Centre, please contact the IRGT on or phone 061-448089.


    Kennel Improvement Scheme

    The Board of RCE recognise that, heretofore, the main method of distribution of funding through the greyhound racing industry, has been prizemoney. The Kennel Improvement Scheme was devised to ensure money is available to the greyhound Industry to assist in the modernisation and ongoing improvement of the surroundings within which greyhounds are kept, with a view to improving the welfare of these animals.


    The Board of RCE has taken the decision to assist the greyhound industry in accepting applications for funding to subsidise construction works which are necessary to improve the welfare of the greyhounds residing there. RCE proposes that on receipt of a successful application that it will assist the applicant with a contribute up to 75% of the cost to a maximum of €2,500. The Board has ringfenced €100,000 per annum for this project and once the initial fund has been allocated, applications will be suspended until the following year.


    The objective of the Scheme is to assist in the development and improvement of existing kennelling facilities within which greyhounds are kept in the Republic of Ireland. The objective is not merely to facilitate the expansion of existing kennels.

    Further information on the scheme and how to apply can be found here.


    Dental Assistance Scheme

    The Dental Assistance Scheme applies to work performed on the teeth of greyhounds entering the Irish Retired Greyhound Trusts (IRGT) greyhound rehoming programme.

    Under the Assistance scheme the IRGT will contribute €50 towards the costs of dental work undertaken in preparation for rehoming. Depending on the level of intervention needed this work may be done at or around the same time as neutering. The Dental Assistance Scheme can be accessed as part of the IRGT neutering scheme.

    Further information on the scheme and how to apply can be found here.


    Injuries at Tracks Recovery Scheme

    Funding is available through the “Injuries at Tracks Recovery Scheme” for the treatment of greyhounds which have been injured while racing or partaking in Unofficial, Official Trials and Racing at Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) Licensed stadia. The Scheme is open to all owners and trainers who have incurred veterinary costs in the treatment of greyhounds to repair a career-ending orthopaedic (bone) injury*.


    *Career ending bone injuries may include fractured hocks, fractured long bones and multiple fractures of the metacarpals/metatarsals.

    An application to the Scheme shall be made in the knowledge that the greyhound will be immediately retired from competitive action (trials and races) following its treatment and every effort must be made to find this greyhound a suitable home. Any greyhound that has been treated through the Scheme shall not be sold or given away for racing.

    Further information on the scheme and how to apply can be found here.


    Greyhound Careline


    Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) has launched a confidential phone line which will be available to members of the public, to report greyhound welfare concerns.

    The Greyhound Care Line, on 061 448100, will be available 24/7 along with the email address,

    Reports received by the public will be followed up by a member of GRI’s welfare team, who have the power to carry out unannounced inspections and act under the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011.


    You can contact the Greyhound Careline on:

    Tel: 061 448 100



    Greyhound Racing Ireland’s Annual Accounts are published here.



    Audit and Risk

    The Finance Department of GRI prepare financial statements annually and is subject to statutory audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General.

    GRI also operate an internal audit function through an externally appointed firm of auditors, reporting to an independent Audit and Risk Committee with responsibilities for the financial reporting process, risk management, the system of internal control, the audit process, and the Board’s process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and the code of practice for the governance of state bodies.

    Audited Financial Statements are published in the Annual Report.

    The Audit and Risk Committee Charter is available here.










    RCÉ’s Procurement Office is actively involved in developing the role of procurement and establishing the infrastructure to effectively deliver "Best value for money" throughout the RCÉ.

    The mission of the Procurement Office is to consistently obtain goods and services at best value for money through the optimum combination of whole‐life cost and quality that meets the Rásaíocht Con Éireann requirements. This will enable RCÉ to deliver its product and services to the highest level of excellence. The Procurement Office is committed to listening, teaching, sharing, collaborating and developing skills and confidence in the field of procurement.

    Co‐operating with its budget holders, departments, key personnel, and suppliers, RCÉ’s Office of Procurement, aims to become the centre of knowledge, expertise and excellence in the supply of goods and services to Rásaíocht Con Éireann.


    Procurement Policies


    A Guide to RCÉ Procurement Policy & Procedure


    Current Tender Competitions Published on etenders


    Access the current Requests for Tenders on the e-tenders website here.


    Public Contracts Awarded 2018 - 2022


    Contracts Awarded












    GRI complies with the Lobbying Act and discloses all lobbying activity to


    Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures

    Greyhound Racing Ireland is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity. However, all organisations face the risk of things going wrong from time to time, or of unknowingly and unintentionally harbouring illegal or unethical conduct.  Our aim is to ensure that there is a clear and straightforward channel for all employees to raise issues of concern. 

    We aim to provide a safe way for employees to raise any concern about wrongdoing and to increase the likelihood that we can deal with wrongdoing or unacceptable behaviour in time to prevent serious damage to our company.

    Our Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures Policy:

    • Sets out the procedures that should be followed to raise those genuine concerns and encourages a culture of openness and accountability within the organisation. 
    • Outlines our responsibilities under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 and subsequent amendments.
    • Demonstrates our commitment to observing and maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness, and accountability in all our practices.
    • Has been created to ensure that staff can voice their concerns regarding potential wrongdoings in the workplace, with trust and confidence and without the fear of negative personal consequences. 

    Our full Policy can be found here.

    Further information on how to make a Protected Disclosure can be found here.

    Pursuant to section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, Greyhound Racing Ireland confirm that no protected disclosures have been made to the organisation for the year 2022.


    Irish Language Scheme

    Under Section 10A of the Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021 all public bodies are required to do at least 20% of their annual advertising in Irish and 5% of their advertising in the Irish language media.

    Greyhound Racing Ireland is committed to increasing and improving the provision of communication through the medium of Irish.


    Climate Action

    The Government has legislated in respect of Climate Action Objectives - National Targets and these are set out in the “Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021”.

    The New Economy and Recovery Authority (NewERA) have developed a framework for the commercial Semi-State sector to address climate action objectives. The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform DPER and NewERA are key stakeholders in the delivery of this action, with the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications DECC the assigned lead under Action 55.

    Greyhound Racing Ireland have formally adopted the Climate Action Framework are committed to the public sector's 2030 energy and carbon targets.

    NewERA’s document “Climate Action Plan 2021 Action 55: Framework for the Commercial Semi-State Sector to address climate action objectives” can be found here.


    Disability Act 2005

    Access Officer’s

    In accordance with section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005 Rásaíocht Con Éireann has appointed Access Officer’s to act as a point of contact for people with disabilities who wish to access services provided by Rásaíocht Con Éireann. The Access Officers are responsible for providing or arranging for, and co-ordinating assistance and guidance, to persons with disabilities accessing such services.


    Contact Details

    Aisling Leonard                                                                       Sarah Ryan

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann                                                          Rásaíocht Con Éireann

    Greenpark                                                                               Greenpark

    Dock Road                                                                               Dock Road

    Limerick                                                                                   Limerick

    V94 Y17X                                                                                 V94 Y17X


    Tel: +353 (0) 61 448145                                                        Tel: +353 (0) 61 448029        

    Email:                                       Email: