GRI has ruled out any further track closures as a means to achieve recovery in the industry

    Greyhound Racing Ireland has ruled out any further track closures as a means to achieve recovery in the industry

    GRI chairman, Phil Meaney, said Greyhound Racing Ireland believed the national footprint of the industry was one of its great strengths. “ Increased participation at all levels in the industry is essential if we are to meet the considerable challenges the industry faces and tracks around the country are an essential resource in doing this. Tracks outside the main population areas play a very important role in the industry which is not always understood and are the primary basis through which the dog pool can be maintained and ownership increased.”

    Mr. Meaney added: “ The decision to close and to sell Harolds Cross Stadium, although difficult for everyone involved, is designed for a specific purpose which is to reduce the level of legacy debt which the industry is trying to manage. The sale of the stadium is essential if the industry is to stabilise its finances and enter a more positive phase .”