GRI Information Licence

    GRI Information Licence

    GRI Information Licence

    Conditions of Re-Use of GRI Information


    Rásaíocht con Éireann (otherwise known as Greyhound Racing Ireland) (referred to herein as “GRI”) complies with the regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information S.I. 279/2005; European Communities (Re-use of Public Sector Information) Regulations 2005, as amended (“the Regulations”) and encourages the re-use of the information and documentation that it produces.

    Information and documents created by GRI i.e. GRI’s copyrighted material, may be reproduced and/or re-used free of charge subject to the terms of this licence.  Further information on the re-use of public sector information can be found at

    This licence shall apply to all GRI information, whether circulated via its website, social media channels or otherwise.

    The word ‘Information’ in this licence shall be deemed to include all GRI copyrighted material including any “document” as defined in the Regulations, which for the avoidance of doubt shall include greyhound race video content.

    It is important to note that the Regulations provide a statutory appeals mechanism to the Office of the Information Commissioner, details of which can be found here:

    Using Information under this licence:

    • Use of the Information indicates the user’s acceptance of the terms below.
    • GRI grants the user a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence to use the Information, including for commercial purposes, subject to the terms below.

    Users may:

    • Copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the Information  in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose, subject to the restrictions set out in this licence.

    Users must:

    • Acknowledge the source of the Information by including the following attribution statement:-

    ‘Information provided courtesy of Rásaíocht con Éireann under a   Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence’

    and, where possible, provide a link to this licence.

    • If using Information from several Information providers and multiple attributions are not      practical for the product or application, users must use the following attribution statement:-

    ‘Contains Irish Public Sector Information licensed under a Creative Commons   Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.’

    It is not necessary from a legal perspective for the attribution to refer to the specific public sector organisation providing the data.

    The terms of this licence are important, and if users fail to comply with any of them, the rights granted under this licence, or any similar licence granted by GRI, will end automatically


    This licence does not grant users any right to use:-

    • Personal Information and/or personal data, unless sufficiently anonymised and/or aggregated;
    • Third party rights and other intellectual property rights that GRI is not authorised to license including, but not limited to, patents, copyright, database rights or trademarks;
    • The names, crests, logos, or other official symbols GRI.

    Save where explicitly (in writing) granted the right to do so by GRI, users are strictly not permitted to use, share or otherwise distribute GRI race video content, whether via social media or otherwise, until at least four (4) hours after the race in question has concluded.


    This licence does not grant any right to use the Information in a way that suggests any official status, or that suggests GRI endorses any product or other use of the Information.

    No warranty

    The Information is licensed 'as is' and GRI exclude all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to    the maximum extent permitted by law.

    GRI shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused    by its use. GRI does not guarantee the continued supply of the Information.

    Governing Law

    This licence is made under the laws of Ireland and is subject to the exclusive  jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.