Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) is responsible for the governance, regulation and development of the greyhound industry in the Republic of Ireland. GRI’s remit is to regulate all aspects of greyhound racing including the licensing of tracks; the issuing of permits to officials, bookmakers and trainers; and the implementation of the rules of racing. GRI has no control of events outside the jurisdiction of Ireland and does not have a role in regulating the export of greyhounds.

    The wellbeing of greyhounds, including their physical and social environment, is at the core of Ireland’s greyhound industry. GRI is totally committed to the welfare of greyhounds and the promotion of the highest standards of care throughout the industry. In particular, GRI’s Code of Practice in relation to the welfare of greyhounds clearly sets out specific standards that all individuals engaged in the care and management of registered Greyhounds are expected to meet.

    The code emphasises that owners and keepers must take full responsibility for the physical and social well-being of greyhounds in line with best welfare practice. Where any breaches of welfare standards are identified under the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011, GRI takes stringent actions and prosecutions ensue. GRI expects the proper standard of welfare of greyhounds to be maintained in all jurisdictions worldwide.

    While GRI does not have a statutory remit in relation to export controls for greyhounds, we expect owners to apply the principles set out in the Code of Practice when exporting greyhounds in accordance with our guidance issued to the industry. Specifically, GRI advises all owners involved in the export of greyhounds to only export to destinations that provide the expected levels of greyhound care and management as defined in the Code.