Greyhound Care
    RCÉ / GRI Injuries at Tracks Recovery Scheme
    Updated: 14th February 2022

    Funding is available through the “Injuries at Tracks Recovery Scheme” for the treatment of greyhounds which have been injured while racing or partaking in Unofficial, Official Trials and Racing at Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) Licensed stadia. The Scheme is open to all owners and trainers who have incurred veterinary costs in the treatment of greyhounds to repair a career-ending orthopaedic (bone) injury*.

    *Career ending bone injuries may include fractured hocks, fractured long bones and multiple fractures of the metacarpals/metatarsals.

    An application to the Scheme shall be made in the knowledge that the greyhound will be immediately retired from competitive action (trials and races) following its treatment and every effort must be made to find this greyhound a suitable home. Any greyhound that has been treated through the Scheme shall not be sold or given away for racing.

    A fully paid invoice from the veterinary practice that completed the treatment of the greyhound and the completed application form together with (a) a veterinary certificate of treatment issued by the ‘track vet’ at the time the injury occurred (if injury occurred during racing) or (b) a veterinary certificate of treatment issued by the veterinary surgeon who treated the greyhound on day injury occurred together with confirmation from the relevant Racing Manager/Control Steward of the occurrence of the injury (if injury occurred during Qualifying Trials), shall be submitted when applying to RCÉ for funding under this Scheme. RCÉ may require additional evidence regarding the retirement details of the greyhound prior to settling any application for funding.

    Assistance funding will be set at 75% of the veterinary cost, up to a maximum of €1000 per greyhound, for the treatment of a career-ending orthopaedic (bone) injury*.

    RCÉ is committed to encouraging responsible greyhound ownership and spreading the message amongst industry patrons that all racing greyhounds must be treated with care and that after racing each greyhound is afforded an opportunity to enjoy a happy retirement.

    Note that all claims from the RCÉ / GRI Track Injury Recovery Scheme will be individually assessed and reviewed in detail. RCÉ / GRI reserves the right to withhold payment if it has reason to believe the claim to be fraudulent.

    Click here to download the Injury at Tracks Recovery Scheme - Assistance Funding Application Form


    Click here to download a digital version of the Injury at Tracks Recovery Scheme - Assistance Funding Form (fields can be edited on your computer)