Dental Assistance Scheme For Owners

    Just like in humans, a greyhound’s dental health is vitally important. The Irish Retired Greyhound Trust, in partnership with Greyhound Racing Ireland, are celebrating Greyhound Dental Health Awareness Month this February.

    We are delighted to announce the roll-out of a new scheme, the Dental Assistance Scheme.

    The Dental Assistance Scheme applies to work performed on the teeth of greyhounds entering the Irish Retired Greyhound Trusts (IRGT) greyhound rehoming programme.

    Under the Assistance scheme the IRGT will contribute €50 towards the costs of dental work undertaken in preparation for rehoming. Depending on the level of intervention needed this work may be done at or around the same time as neutering. The Dental Assistance Scheme can be accessed as part of the IRGT neutering scheme.

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    Dental Assistance Scheme

    FAQ for Greyhound Owners rehoming with the IRGT


    Is this available to all greyhounds?

    The Dental Assistance Scheme is aimed at retiring dogs going on to the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust (IRGT) greyhound rehoming list and it is hoped this will become an integral part of the preparation for re-homing process.

    How much can each dog apply for under the dental assistance scheme?

    Greyhound Racing Ireland, through the IRGT, will give up to €50 towards dental procedures completed on greyhounds being prepared for the IRGT rehoming programme

    When can it be applied for?

    The Dental Assistance Scheme can be applied for with the other aspects of the rehoming preparation, neutering and vaccination etc.

    When should the work be performed?

    From a practical perspective, it makes good sense that that work be undertaken at or around the time that other work like neutering is being completed. This will be on a case-by-case basis, as from a clinical point of view, this may not always be possible.

    Can a dog avail of the Dental Assistance Scheme more than once?

    Similir to other similar schemes run by the IRGT, the Dental Assistance Scheme is limited to once per dog

    How can the Dental Assistance Scheme by applied for?

    The application process will be similar to the existing neutering and vaccination schemes that are in existence through the IRGT and a max of €50 can be added for dental procedures

    by the participating vet. Amounts in excess of €50 to be paid by the owner.

    What does the Dental Assistance Scheme cover?

    It covers procedures completed on the teeth, from a descale & polish to more extensive work. It is advisable to discuss any procedures required and likely costs with the owner your veterinary surgeon prior to completion, as costs in excess of €50 must be borne by the owner. A dental assessment and treatment plan is not covered by the scheme.

    Is Dental work mandatory to enter the rehoming scheme?

    At this point, no it is not. The Dental Assistance Scheme is being launched in conjunction with Greyhound Racing Irelands Dental Awareness Month