Rásaíocht Con Eireann commits to The Climate Action Plan 2023

    The Irish Government approved a new Climate Action Framework for Commercial Semi-Sector on 27th July 2022. The Framework sets out the exemplar role that Government expects Commercial Semi-Sector Bodies to play in achieving Irelands statutory National Climate Objective.

    The journey to becoming a more sustainable company is not just about reporting, mandatory or otherwise. It also entails a meaningful change in mindset and culture. Committed and carefully planned execution are needed for a sustainability strategy to be embedded into the broader business strategy.

    RCÉ has formally adopted the Climate Action Plan 2023 and is aligning with the New Economy and Recovery Authority (New ERA) Framework for the Commercial Semi-State Sector to address climate action objectives.

    To meet the challenge and RCÉ have adopted an entire industry approach to meeting our commitments. The building blocks encompass a step-by-step collaborative approach culminating in a plan that has identified a list of opportunities that can be actioned, with documented accountabilities and responsibilities.

    RCÉ will raise Climate Awareness through education and awareness to all our stakeholders. This is crucial for fostering public support and engagement in climate action and will encourage discussions about climate change, its impacts, and potential solutions.

    Our Objectives

    RCÉ objectives are to meet the 5 commitments as set out by the Framework developed by New Economy and Recovery Authority (New ERA).

    The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) and New ERA are key stakeholders in the delivery of this action with the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) the assigned lead.

    To meet the five commitments and include biodiversity regeneration, RCÉ will focus on the following areas:

       Energy & Thermal Energy 






    Our Five Commitments:

    The Climate Action Framework is a series of five commitments that Commercial Semi-State Companies, including RCÉ have agreed to meet in relation to climate action objectives.RCÉ signed up to the Framework Agreement in July 2023, and has agreed to meet each of these five commitments.

    RCÉ welcomes and endorse The Climate Action Plan 2023 and are committed to playing our part in achieving its targets and objectives in line with our operational remit.