Trees on the Land

    Trees on the Land is a cross-border initiative working to establish young native trees across the 32 counties of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

    They run an annual tree planting event with trees being distributed and planted between December and March each year. They provide simple schemes for landowners to access quality native tree mixes each season and work with farmers, smallholders, community groups, councils, schools, colleges, sports clubs, and many other landowners to coordinate sites to accommodate trees.

    Their vision is to establish tree cover and woodland in rural and urban areas that will grow for many years and provide valuable resources, beneficial ecosystem services and a legacy for future generations.

    Limerick Greyhound Stadium were successful in their application for 2023/2024 and received a grant of mixed native trees & hedges which were planted at stadium site.  These included:

    Alder, Birch, Oak, Pine, Scots Pine, Hawthorn, Rowan, Hazel, Crab Apple & Guelder Rose.

    Trees on the Land is a charity & not-for-profit project from the Green Economy Foundation in collaboration with The Woodland Trust in Northern Ireland.
    Green Economy Foundation, CECAS, Myross Wood House, Leap, Co. Cork, Ireland P81 Y192 Charity Number: 15746.