What is RCÉTS?
RCÉTS (Rásaíocht Con Éireann/ Greyhound Racing Ireland Traceability System) is the newly developed traceability system for racing greyhounds.
When will it be in operation from?
RCÉTS is in operation now, it launched in January 2021.
What does RCÉTS do?
It will track a racing greyhound through all life stages including birth, microchipping, registration, racing career, changes of ownership/trainer, location, export, retirement and end of life.
RCÉTS was updated in July 2021 to allow owners to voluntarily update the system where a greyhound may not be active in race events for a period of time. This functionality is available under the option “Still at Premises”
If you do not have all options on your app, please update your app on the Apple or Google Play Stores.
Who will be required to maintain the record?
All owners/trainers/breeders will be required to maintain an accurate record on the traceability system via an online app of their greyhounds.
If I don’thave a smartphone will I still be able to update records?
Yes, the system will be available both online on RCETS.ie and on our smartphone apps for Apple and Android phones.
Who do I contact if I have problems using the system?
You can contact our help desk by emailing rcets@grireland.ie or by contacting the Traceability Helpdesk on 061448120.
What happens if I fail to keep up-to-date records?
Failure to keep records up to date on RCÉTS will prevent greyhounds being listed for trials or racing. The Board of RCÉ has approved this direction under the Racing Regulations 2007.
Do I still need to notify the ICC as normal?
Maintaining records on RCÉTS does not remove the responsibility of any party to make statutory notification on any matters to the Irish Coursing Club (ICC) as Keepers of the Irish Stud Book.
I have a log-in to watch video archives will this login work for RCETS?
No, the log-in you use for watching racing videos does not work for RCÉTS. This is separate from the owner/trainer account you need to ‘Manage Your Kennel’ on the website or update your records on RCÉTS.
I have received more than one letter or email with different log-in details for RCÉTS, is this a mistake?
Some people have multiple ICC numbers (they may have greyhounds in their own name, as a partnership or
a syndicate for example) with different greyhounds registered under each one. As the RCÉTS accounts are linked to ICC accounts and their registered greyhounds, if you have more than one ICC number then you will need to have a separate RCÉTS log-in for each of these ICC numbers.
If you have received more than one email or letter from us, this is not a mistake and YOU MUST TAKE ACTION FOR EACH ICC ACCOUNT on the RCÉTS app.
You will be able to determine which ICC number the log-in refers to as it will be included in the subject or reference line.
I haven’treceived an email with a username and password yet, why not?
All emails have now been sent. If you have not yet seen an email from us, please check your junk and spam folders on your email.
If you still haven’t found it after checking junk and spam, please contact the Traceability Helpdesk as your contact details may be incorrect.
If I sell a dog at the Stadium Sales, do I need to update RCETS?
Yes, RCETS should be updated by person selling and ICC should be notified of the sale (transfer of ownership) as normal.
If you need information to assist you in updating records, please speak to the Racing Office in the Sales location.
If my dogs are currently racing, do I need to do anything?
No, once you have logged in to activate your account you only need to update RCETS when the current status of the greyhound changes (retired, change of ownership etc..). If your greyhound is currently not active in racing events, you can update the system under the option “Still at Premises”.
I got a notification from the app on my smartphone, why did this happen?
Under enhancements to the apps released in July 2021, push notifications may be sent to owners or trainers to inform them that they need to provide an update on the status of a greyhound. If you receive one of these, please ensure you update your greyhound’s records on the RCÉTS app as soon as possible.
Do I need to update RCETS if I have notified the ICC of changes?
Yes, any notifications required to ICC should continue as normal.
I have informed the ICC that I have sold my greyhound, why is it still on my list of greyhounds?
The ICC’s system updates when all transfer documentation is completed by new owner, if your greyhound is still appearing that process may not yet be completed on their side. Please update your RCETS records with the sale information.
I have updated records for the wrong greyhound, how can I fix this?
If you make a mistake when using RCETS don’t panic. Just give our Traceability Helpdesk a call on 061448120 or email rcets@grireland.ie
Why is a greyhound showing up as rehomed when I have not updated this on RCETS or with the ICC?
If your greyhound has been rehomed through the IRGT, the greyhound will most likely have been marked as ‘rehomed’ by the RCÉ/GRI Welfare Department.
You should continue to notify the ICC as normal regardless of the status on RCETS.
I have no current racing greyhounds in my name, why was I issued a username and password?
If you have had a racing greyhound in recent years you would have been issued a username and password as part of the initial roll-out. If you do not currently need this (i.e. have no active greyhounds on the system) then you do not need to take any action. If you have racing greyhounds again in the future then you will be able to use that and avoid having to be issued with one in the future.
Why are some of my greyhounds showing up under their microchip numbers when they have been named?
If your greyhound has been named but this name is not yet appearing on RCETS this is due to a delay in processing of the naming documentation.
ICC has advised all stewards of the necessity to submit ‘naming documentation’ to ICC promptly so that records can be updated.
An incorrect greyhound’s name is showing up on my list, why?
While we don’t expect this will happen, if it does just get in touch with us to rectify. Call or email the Traceability Helpdesk as soon as possible.
There are multiple accounts in our household, can we amalgamate these?
RCETS accounts should be linked to, and updated by, the owner of the greyhound.
If multiple accounts are amalgamated it will result in various parties updating in respect of different greyhounds. The preference is that each greyhound would only be assigned to the registered owner/ trainer. Some families have indicated that they may prefer to move towards having all greyhounds under one name, and therefore one account, for ease of administration. This is a matter for the family to consider themselves.
I have an old retired greyhound at home, they are not appearing on my list of greyhounds.
Following the launch of the traceability system, greyhounds included in RCÉTS are those that have
- Trialled and raced on or from 1st January 2021
- Microchipped juvenile greyhounds on or from 1st January 2021
Greyhounds that predate the above dataset are not listed as available for updates on RCETS
If you think we do not have your contact details or you want to check, you can do this by emailing rcets@grireland.ie or by contacting the Traceability Helpdesk on 061448120.
Céard is RCÉTS ann?
Is córas nuafhorbartha inrianaitheachta do chúnna rásaíochta é RCÉTS (Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Córas Inrianaitheachta Rásaíocht Con Éireann).
Cén uair a mbeidh sé in úsáid?
Tá RCÉTS in úsáid faoi láthair, seoladh i mí Eanáir 2021 é.
Cén sprioc atá ag RCÉTS?
Déanfaidh RCÉTS rianú ar na cúnna rásaíochta ó thús deireadh chéimeanna na beatha ar fad, lena n-áirítear breith, micrishlis a chur sa gcú, clárú, gairm rásaíochta, athruithe úinéirí/oiliúnóirí, suíomh, easpórtáil, scor agus deireadh beatha.
Cé air a mbeidh an dualgas taifead a choimeád?
Beidh dualgas ar gach úinéir/oiliúnóir/póraitheoir taifead cruinn ar a gcúnna a choimeád ar an gcóras inrianaitheachta trí aip ar líne.
I gcás nach bhfuil fón cliste agam, an mbeidh mé fós in ann taifid a nuashonrú?
Beidh. Beidh an córas ar fáil ar líne ag RCETS.ie agus ar ár n-aipeanna d’fhóin chliste le haghaidh Apple agus Android.
Cé leis a dtéim i dteagmháil má tá fadhbanna agam ag úsáid an chórais?
Féadfar teagmháil a dhéanamh lenár ndeasc chabhrach trí ríomhphost a chur chuig rcets@grireland.ie nó trí theagmháil a dhéanamh leis an Deasc Chabhrach Inrianaitheachta ag 061448120.
Céard a tharlaíonn mura n-éiríonn liom taifid atá suas chun dáta a choimeád?
Cuirfear cosc ar chúnna a chur ar liosta do thrialacha nó rásaí d’uireasa taifid uasdátaithe ar RCÉTS.
An gcaithfidh mé scéala a chur chuig an ICC fós mar is gnách?
Ní bhaineann taifid a choimeád ar RCÉTS an dualgas ó pháirtí ar bith chun fógra reachtúil a dhéanamh ar aon ábhar do Chumann Cúrsála na hÉireann (ICC) mar Chaomhnóirí Leabhar Folaíochta Con na hÉireann.
Tá logáil isteach agam chun breathnú ar chartlanna físeáin, an mbeidh mé in ann é a úsáid do RCÉTS?
Ní bheidh. Ní féidir an logáil isteach a úsáidtear chun breathnú ar fhíseáin rásaíochta a úsáid do RCÉTS. Ní hionann é sin agus an cuntas mar úinéir/oiliúnóir atá de dhíth ort don leathanach ‘Manage Your Kennel’ ar an suíomh gréasáin nó chun do thaifid a uasdátú ar RCÉTS.
Tá breis agus litir nó ríomhphost amháin faighte agam le sonraí difriúla don logáil isteach ar RCÉTS, an botún é seo?
Tá an iliomad uimhreacha ICC ag roinnt daoine (d’fhéadfadh sé go bhfuil cúnna acu ina n-ainm féin, mar chomhpháirtíocht nó sindeacáit, mar shampla), agus cúnna difriúla cláraithe faoi gach ceann acu. Ós rud é go bhfuil cuntais RCÉTS nasctha le cuntais ICC agus a gcúnna cláraithe, i gcás go bhfuil breis agus uimhir ICC amháin agat, beidh ort logáil isteach RCÉTS ar leith a bheith agat do gach ceann de na huimhreacha ICC seo dá bharr.
I gcás go bhfuil breis agus ríomhphost nó litir amháin faighte agat uainn, ní botún é seo agus NÍ MÓR DUIT GNÍOMHÚ I LEITH GACH CUNTAS ICC ar aip RCÉTS.
Beidh tú in ann a dhéanamh amach cén uimhir ICC a bhaineann leis an logáil isteach toisc go mbeidh sí curtha san áireamh i líne an ábhair nó sa líne thagartha.
Níl ríomhphost le hainm úsáideora ná pasfhocal faighte agam go fóill, cén fáth?
Tá na ríomhphoist ar fad curtha anois. I gcás nach bhfaca tú ríomhphost uainn, seiceáil d’fhillteáin dramhaíola agus turscair ar do ríomhphost le do thoil.
I gcás nár éirigh leat é a fháil fós tar éis seiceáil a dhéanamh sa dramhaíl agus turscar, déan teagmháil leis an Deasc Chabhrach Inrianaitheachta le do thoil, ar eagla nach bhfuil do shonraí teagmhála i gceart.
I gcás go ndíolaim gadhar ag Díolacháin na Staide, an gá dom RCÉTS a uasdátú?
Is gá. Ba cheart don díoltóir RCÉTS a uasdátú agus ba cheart scéala a chur chuig ICC faoin díolachán (aistriú úinéireachta) mar is gnách.
I gcás go bhfuil eolas maidir le cúnamh chun taifid a uasdátú de dhíth ort, téigh i dteagmháil leis an Oifig Rásaíochta ag an suíomh Díolachán.
I gcás go bhfuil mo ghadhair ag rásaíocht faoi láthair, an gá dom aon rud a dhéanamh?
Ní gá. Nuair atá tú logáilte isteach chun do chuntas a chur ar siúl, ní gá duit ach RCÉTS a uasdátú nuair a athraíonn stádas an chú faoi láthair (imithe ar scor, athrú úinéireachta, srl.).
An gá dom RCÉTS a uasdátú i gcás gur chuir mé in iúl don ICC maidir leis na hathruithe?
Is gá. Ba cheart go leanfar ar aghaidh le haon fhógra a theastaíonn ó ICC mar is gnách.
Chuir mé an ICC ar an eolas go bhfuil mo chú díolta agam, cén fáth a bhfuil sé fós ar mo liosta cúnna?
Déantar uasdátú ar chórais ICC nuair atá na doiciméid ar fad a bhaineann leis an athrú curtha i gcrích ag an úinéir nua. I gcás go bhfuil do chú fós le feiceáil d’fhéadfadh sé nach bhfuil an próiseas sin curtha i gcrích ar a dtaobhsan go fóill. Déan do thaifid RCÉTS a uasdátú le heolas an díolacháin le do thoil.
Tá taifid uasdátaithe don chú mícheart agam, cén chaoi a bhféadfainn é a chur ina cheart?
I gcás go ndéantar botún agus tú ag úsáid RCÉTS, ná bíodh scaoll ort. Níl le déanamh ach fios a chur ar ár nDeasc Chabhrach ag 061448120 nó ríomhphost a chur chuig rcets@grireland.ie
Cén fáth a léirítear go bhfuil úinéir nua faighte ag cú nuair nach bhfuil uasdátú déanta agam ar RCÉTS ná leis an ICC?
I gcás go bhfuil úinéir nua faighte ag do chú tríd an IRGT, is é is dóichí go ndearnadh a mharcáil go bhfuil ‘úinéir nua faighte’ ag an gcú ag Roinn Leasa an RCÉ/GRI.
Ba cheart duit an scéala a chur in iúl don ICC mar is gnách, beag beann ar an stádas ar RCÉTS.
Níl aon chú rásaíochta agam i m’ainm faoi láthair, cén fáth ar eisíodh ainm úsáideora agus pasfhocal dom?
I gcás go raibh cú rásaíochta agat le blianta beaga anuas, dhéanfaí ainm úsáideora agus pasfhocal a eisiúint duit mar chuid den chóras a chur i bhfeidhm i dtosach. I gcás nach bhfuil sé sin de dhíth ort (i.e. gan aon chú gníomhach ar an gcóras), ní gá duit aon ghníomhú a dhéanamh mar sin. I gcás go mbeidh cúnna rásaíochta agat arís amach anseo, beidh tú in ann é sin a úsáid mar sin agus ní bheidh aon ghá le ceann eile a eisiúint.
Cén fáth a bhfuil roinnt cúnna liom á léiriú faoina n-uimhreacha micrishlise nuair atá siad ainmnithe?
I gcás gur ainmníodh do chú ach nach bhfuil an t-ainm sin á léiriú ar RCÉTS, is moill sa phróiseas maidir le doiciméid ainmnithe is cúis leis seo.
Tá comhairle curtha ag ICC ar na maoir ar fad maidir leis an ngá le ‘doiciméid ainmnithe’ a chur isteach do ICC go sciobtha d’fhonn go bhféadfar taifid a uasdátú.
Tá ainm cú mícheart á léiriú ar mo liosta, cén fáth?
Cé nach bhfuiltear ag súil lena leithéid, níl le déanamh ach dul i dteagmháil linn chun é a leasú má tharlaíonn sé. Cuir glao nó seol ríomhphost chuig an Deasc Chabhrach a luaithe is féidir.
Tá an iliomad cuntas inár dteaghlach, ar cheart dúinn iad a thabhairt le chéile?
Ba cheart cuntais RCÉTS a nascadh le húinéir an chú, agus ba cheart dó nó di iad a uasdátú freisin.
I gcás go dtugtar iliomad cuntas le chéile, beidh páirtithe éagsúla ag uasdátú i leith na gcúnna difriúla dá thoradh sin. Is fearr go mbeadh gach cú curtha leis an úinéir/oiliúnóir atá cláraithe amháin. Thug roinnt teaghlach le fios gur fearr leo na cúnna ar fad a chur faoi ainm amháin, agus faoi chuntas amháin dá bharr sin, ar mhaithe le riarachán níos simplí. Is faoin teaghlach féin an cinneadh seo a dhéanamh.
I gcás go bhfuil tú den tuairim nach bhfuil do shonraí teagmhála againn, nó má theastaíonn uait iad a sheiceáil, d’fhéadfá é sin a dhéanamh trí ríomhphost a chur chuig rcets@grireland.ie nó trí theagmháil a dhéanamh leis an Deasc Chabhrach ag 061448120.