Future Sweepstakes Tralee

Bar One Irish Laurels Trial Stakes A0 525

For 6 A0 Greyhounds over 525yds on Friday August 30th

Entry €20 Winner €500 plus free entry to the Laurels


K.G.O.B.A A1 525 Stakes

For 12-18 Current A1 Greyhounds over 525yds

Entry €20 Starts Friday August 23rd


Kingdom Stadium ON3 525 Stakes

For 12-24 Novice 3 Greyhounds over 525yds

Starts Saturday August  24th  Entry €15


K.G.O.B.A A2 525 Stakes

For 12-18 Current A2 Greyhounds over 525yds

Entry €20 Starts Friday August 30th


R.C.E.T.S Traceability ON2 525 Stakes

For 12-24 Novice 2 Greyhounds over 525yds

Starts Saturday August  31st   Entry €15


Text Your Entries  ON1 525

For 6 ON1 Greyhounds over 525yds on Saturday August 31st Entry €15


K.G.O.B.A A3 Tri- Distance Stakes

For 24 Current A3 Greyhounds over 500,525 & 550yds

Entry €20 Winner €1,300 Starts Friday September 6th

All entries at the discretion of the racing manager.

Tralee Trials

Official Trials

Tuesdays 4pm -7.00pm

Unrecorded Trials.

Wednesdays 10.30am- 1.00pm & 3.00pm-7.00pm

Saturdays 9.00am-12.00pm

All Trials must be pre-booked