There are no sales catalogues currently available online.

    Sales Auctions
     Limerick    29-Mar-2025
     Curraheen Park    26-Apr-2025
     Kilkenny    24-May-2025
     Limerick    21-Jun-2025
     Shelbourne Park    26-Jul-2025
     Curraheen Park    16-Aug-2025
     Kilkenny    04-Oct-2025


    Social Channels

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann/Greyhound Racing Ireland (RCÉ/GRI) has launched 3 new social media channels dedicated to the promotion of Greyhound Sales across Ireland. The launch of these channels forms part of a wider plan to further engage those looking to purchase a greyhound and to generate interest and conversation around sales events.

    Follow us on Facebook
    Follow us on Instagram: @GreyhoundSalesIreland 

    Follow us on Twitter/X: @GreySalesIrl

    GRI Notice to purchasers of Greyhounds at Licensed Sales Auctions

    Greyhound Racing Ireland wishes to advise, that from and including May 1st 2024, it will be a  condition of sale, that all purchasers of greyhounds at licensed auctions, must be able to furnish their Irish Coursing Club (ICC) Owner Registration Number to the greyhound stadium in advance of bidding on any greyhound at the auction. This number will be recorded by the stadium for traceability purposes.

    Existing Owners of greyhounds can find their ICC Registration Number recorded in the middle page of an Identity Card for a greyhound registered to them, beside where their name is recorded as Registered Owner. Track staff will additionally be able to furnish this information to prospective buyers in advance of a Sale.

    In the event a buyer has not already been issued an ICC Registration Number they must register with the ICC in advance of any Sale they intend bidding at. Bids will not be accepted from unregistered buyers. On-line bidders will only be authorised by the track to bid with confirmation of an existing ICC Registration Number.

    Details regarding becoming an ICC Registered Owner may be obtained from the Irish Coursing Club at 052-6172488 or . New registrations are requested to contact the ICC at least 10 working days in advance of a Sales Auction to facilitate overseas correspondence.

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland
    March 5th 2024